Dev Update #2
2 min readMay 21, 2021


Brand new Homepage Darkmode.

New Homepage

  • Re-did our homepage( now showing Pools by depth and activity(active and staged), in a coinmarketcap style. Bringing some utility to users and visibility of the network.
  • Also created an individual page for specific pools to see more details, just click on any of the pools(/BTC.BTC) in the homepage to see details, still missing some key functionality but should be up and running by next sprint. Some buttons are non functioning at the moment, will update.
  • “Eliminated” registration and login, still there but no longer a requirement. Now users can access all the pages without any reg/signup, in the spirit of openness.
  • Trying to improve the accuracy of the network status indicator(green dot)


  • Still upgrading our previous dashboards to multichain, ready on the back end, with most of the work.All are fully functional for SCCN, should release for MCCN next sprint:
SCCN dashboards
  • Also working on having a latest version cached in case midgard goes down, also helping to minimize requests to midgard.

liquidity tools:

  • Singlechain LP insight is still up and running, feel free to sync up your SCCN wallets with active Liquidity positions here.
  • Multichain has been integrated in the backend and working on the front to implement MC LP and portfolio views.
  • API, documentation has been completed for multichain, will publish soon.
  • Migrating most of our site to an open gitlab
  • Manual input will only work for SCCN BNB portfolio/liquidity positions.
Manual input press on “Connect to a wallet”

For any bugs or feature requests please go here.

Beware scammers we will never ask for your private key(s) or seed words. Exercise caution. We don’t offer a token, nor we plan to do this.

Please reach out to us via our channels, we would like to hear what you think.




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Use THORChain´s cross-chain liquidity pools with no pegged or wrapped tokens, keep each asset in its native chain, to stake your assets in a non-custodial way.

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