Market Cap vs Pool Cap
3 min readMay 17, 2021


The new more relevant metric will be Pool Capitalization(depth), Market Cap, has been useful, but then again you didn't really have a system that would suck up all of the assets liquidities across all markets, enter THORChain.

MCCN Thorchain Volumes and swaps. ATTN: Swap/add/manage will be activated soon.

Our new homepage gives you a detailed look into Thorchain’s pool metrics, we have done away with registrations, and have opened all of our site to users, no sign-ups required. We will try to focus on this moving forward bringing you the best possible experience.

Thorchain status bar

Easily view if the APIs are active, how many blocks to next churn? Easily find the answer. Also number of nodes and many other metrics that will help you take advantage of thorchain’s midgard and thornode data. View volumes and swap metrics easily and quickly for any asset in the network.

powered by thorchain

Decentralfi is powered by Thorchain’s network, always open-source, non-censorable, decentralized, verifiable with pseudonymous un-identifiable distributed node operators. Truly a sight to behold and the way moving forward for any type of swapping and liquidity provisioning in the multi-chain crypto market.

Top Pools by depth

View, search and compare any and all pools, active or staged. By following the blocks to churn and the deepest staged pool you will have a good idea of which pool will most likely become active. Use this in your favor to make sure you provide liquidity for your tokens as soon as they become active.

Active & Staged pools, ordered by depth

Get all the info for your favorite pools in near real-time, don't miss out on any opportunity.

BTC pool details.

We are still transitioning our dashboards from Single-chain to Multi-chain, soon all of our pages will be MCCN compatible. The connect to a wallet manual input will give you insights into your single chain(BNB) liquidity positions also soon to be compatible with any and all of your MC wallets.

We still have a ways to go, but we are committed to bringing you the best possible interface and dashboards to plug into the amazingness that is Thorchain, soon we will be announcing a major update to our team structure and size.

NFT Giveaways.

Also stay tuned for our NFT giveaway. Should be posting soon how to participate to take one of these beauties to showoff on your XDEFI Wallet wallet. #RAISETHECAPS

Beware scammers we will never ask for your private key(s) or seed words. Exercise caution. We don’t offer a token, nor we plan to do this.

Please reach out to us via our channels, we would like to hear what you think.




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Use THORChain´s cross-chain liquidity pools with no pegged or wrapped tokens, keep each asset in its native chain, to stake your assets in a non-custodial way.

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